材料成本 Affect Housing Affordability

联系人: 亚历克斯强
Senior Director, Federal Legislative
(202) 266-8279

Understanding the Impact of Rising Building 材料成本

建筑材料成本的上涨正损害着住房的可负担性,就像软木材的成本一样, 钢, 铝和其他进口材料和设备加剧了价格波动,推高了住房成本.

由于生产过程中的不确定性以及何时可以及时完成房屋的供应,材料成本的上升变得更糟. 另一个关键问题是,这些房屋的评估价格是否合适,以反映这些不断上升的成本.


Factors Contributing to the Rise in 材料成本

Supply and Demand: As demand for building materials increases, particularly during the busy seasons for housing construction, 由于全球短缺和中断等各种因素,供应仍然有限, 物价自然上涨. This is a classic economic principle known as supply and demand.

通货膨胀: Inflationary pressures are also contributing to higher material costs. When the general cost of goods and services rises across the economy, it inevitably impacts the price of construction materials as well.

全球因素: Many raw materials used in construction are globally traded. Factors like geopolitical tensions, 贸易争端, 国际贸易政策的变化可能会扰乱供应链,导致价格上涨.

可持续性倡议: 建筑行业对环保和可持续材料的需求不断增长. While this is a positive trend for the environment, 这可能会给成本带来压力,因为这些特殊材料的价格往往更高.

Material costs change over four year period

Impact on the Construction Industry

项目成本上升: The most direct impact is on the cost of construction projects. With direct material cost making up a significant portion of overall expenses, even a moderate increase can significantly inflate project budgets. This can lead to delays in the production process, 成本超支, and increased financial risk for contractors and developers.

利润率降低: For construction businesses, soaring material costs can erode profit margins. 承包商可能会发现,在支付自己不断上升的开支和间接成本的同时,给项目定价越来越难以具有竞争力.

住房负担能力: 在更大的范围内, 建筑材料价格的上涨直接影响到新房的可负担性. Higher construction costs get passed on to home buyers in the form of higher prices, making it increasingly difficult for people to afford new homes. 这可能会加剧现有的住房负担能力问题,并减缓整个住房市场.

房屋估值: 成本波动使得估价更难以反映房屋的真实价值, 因为成本上涨过快,建筑商不得不在施工前期通过减少家庭设施来进行补偿. 要了解更多关于评估的不同方法和可能的解决方案,请访问 Understanding Appraisal Approaches.

Potential Solutions to Mitigate the Effects of High 材料成本

扩大: 木材贸易战争, 钢, aluminum and other imported materials is needlessly pushing up housing costs. NAHB敦促国会呼吁政府回到谈判桌上,谈判一个新的 softwood lumber agreement with Canada and to resolve the trade dispute with China.

有效使用材料: One way to control material costs is by being more mindful and efficient in their use. This could involve things like minimizing waste, recycling materials where possible, and ensuring optimal usage on each project. Sustainable practices can help achieve this.

长期合同: 通过长期合同锁定原材料价格可以在一定程度上防止价格突然上涨. This allows for better budgeting and planning, although it does depend on the stability of the supplier-customer relationship.

Negotiation and Lean Construction: 承包商可以直接与供应商谈判以获得更好的价格,并与他们合作以提高施工过程的效率. Lean construction principles can help streamline operations and reduce waste.

替代材料: 探索更具成本效益的替代或非常规材料可能是另一种策略. This could involve using recycled materials, 不太知名的供应商, or innovative materials that offer similar performance at lower costs.

积极的采购: 提前购买需要的材料可以帮助锁定价格,避免未来价格上涨的风险. This requires good planning and coordination with suppliers.

Key Considerations Regarding Rising 材料成本

值得注意的是,虽然这些策略可以帮助管理材料成本上升的影响, they won't completely eliminate the challenges.

在可预见的未来,建筑行业可能需要适应这种材料价格上涨的新现实. This could involve things like rethinking project designs to be more cost-effective, finding new sources of funding to cover increased costs, 不幸的是, 通过提高价格,不可避免地将部分增加的成本转嫁给消费者.

The construction industry faces a significant labor shortage, with the number of construction job openings on the rise. This shortage is due to a combination of factors, including outsized retirement levels, megaprojects in several private and public construction segments, 文化因素促使很少的年轻人进入熟练的建筑行业.

另一方面, the semiconductor sector could face a shortage of up to 90,000 workers over the next few years, highlighting the diverse nature of labor shortages across industries.

The uncertainty surrounding material costs, 生产成本, 管理费用对住宅建筑行业来说都是一个巨大的挑战. Rising costs and supply chain disruptions are eroding construction profit margins, making it increasingly difficult for businesses to operate profitably.

为了应对这些挑战, both industries will need to adopt innovative strategies and 技术. 例如,自动化和数字化可以帮助提高效率,降低劳动力成本. 另外, 与供应商合作并实施及时库存管理可以帮助减轻供应链中断的影响.

However, the most critical factor will be attracting and retaining a skilled workforce. This will require investing in workforce development and training programs, 以及创造更有吸引力的工作文化和提供有竞争力的薪酬.

By addressing these challenges and adapting to the evolving market conditions, 建筑和住宅建筑行业都可以应对不确定性,并在未来蓬勃发展.

Adapting to the Changing Material Cost Landscape

建筑材料成本和可用性的波动正在从根本上重塑家居建筑行业. As material costs rise and supply becomes increasingly unpredictable, 建筑商将被迫在整个生产过程中采用更有效的做法和创新的解决方案,以保持竞争力. 这可能涉及从优化库存管理到采用新技术和新材料的方方面面.

同时, 不断变化的材料景观促使商业模式和项目战略的重新评估. 一些建筑商可能需要将注意力转向更经济、适应性更强的住房解决方案, while others may explore partnerships and collaborations to share costs and risks.

通过接受新的实践, 技术, 商业模式, 建筑商不仅可以经受住当前的挑战,还可以在瞬息万变的市场中为自己的成功做好准备. With the right strategies and mindset, home builders will be able to thrive in the face of uncertainty.