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帮助提高意识 关于女性在住宅建筑行业的庆祝 PWB周. These tools will help you spotlight the work 和 achievements of women in our industry. 使用建议 委员会的活动 计划你的一周,一定要点击 每日任务清单 下面. 视图 社交媒体帖子示例 这一周.


周一,9月. 11:支持下一代住宅建筑劳动力

建议的理事会活动: 在社交媒体上分享你是如何展示的 给下一代 住宅建筑是一条可行的职业道路. 公司lude the details listed 下面 (和 don’t forget to use the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周 # WeAllBuild. 在你的帖子中):

  1. 标记委员会的名称.
  2. 分享不超过两张动作照和一张团体照.
  3. 列出活动名称(如果描述中不明显).
  4. 用10个词或更少的篇幅描述活动或项目.g.(和五年级学生一起建造鸟屋).

Join the 商店 Talk: Passing the Baton to the Next Generation of Residential Construction Leaders at 11 a.m. ET. 与其他成员讨论 the strategies to best position the next generation of leaders on the jobsite, 在高管层和NAHB领导阶层中. Luellen Smith of Rhino Wine Cellars 和 the NAHB PWB Council vice chair, 以及Ferrier Builders的Heather Laminack, 公司. 和 the 2023 NAHB PWB Council trustee will help start the conversation. 本节目将由 来自Chinowth的嘉莉DeWeese & 科恩房地产经纪公司和2023年NAHB PWB委员会第二副主席.

社交媒体: Promote PWB by posting photos of how your council or HBA is engaging the next generation of the residential construction labor force. 记得使用标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周 和 # WeAllBuild.

周二,9月. 女商人星期二  

建议的理事会活动: 使用 活动手册 For The Skilled Trades developed by the HBA of Greater Des Moines to promote the skilled trades to elementary school students 和 educators. Team up with an elementary school or library to share it with young children.


自愿阅读 她建造的房子 book to children at local elementary schools, libraries or community centers.

社交媒体: 突出行业中的女性:

  • I support women in the trades – PWB Council/NAHB Members are invited to share stories or images about how you support women in the trades by hiring them as business partners.
  • I AM a tradeswoman – Post a photo of yourself at work – who you are 和 what you do.
  • 记得使用标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周 和 # WeAllBuild.


  • I support women in the trades - PWB Council/NAHB members are invited to share stories or images about how you support 和/or work with women in the trades.
  • I AM a tradeswoman - Post a photo of yourself at work - who you are 和 what you do.
星期三,9月. 13:女性对行业的影响

建议的理事会活动: 委员会 和 individuals can highlight women making an impact on the industry with NAHB PWB周模板 that include the following details: photo, name, company, position, title 和 a short quote. Members 和 councils can highlight their own PWB members or recognize past leaders. 记得使用标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周 和 # WeAllBuild.

商店 Talk: Leaning In: Women Moving from Employees to Entrepreneurs at 11 a.m. ET. 讨论从雇员到企业家的现实战略. 分享 your journey 和 get tips 和 tactics to move up 和 transition to entrepreneurship. 公司rease the presence of women in your workplace to prioritize diversity in the residential construction industry. Chat with two industry experts about their entrepreneurial journeys that span a combined 20 years. Alaina Money Garman, Garman Homes创始人兼首席执行官, 和 琳达汤普金斯我是Timberhaven原木公司的校长 & Timber Homes有限责任公司. 本次谈话将由 嘉莉DeWeese我是Chinowth房地产经纪人 & 科恩和NAHB 2023 PWB委员会第二副主席. 现在注册.

星期四,9月. 14 .优先考虑行业的多样性

建议的理事会活动: 在社交媒体上为你所在委员会的女性领导人呐喊吧. 记得使用标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周# WeAllBuild.

Ask Me Anything: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before I Entered the Construction Industry 下午5点.m. ET.  加入NAHB Connect的互动讨论. Hear from women associates 和 builders about what they wish they knew earlier in their residential construction careers. Chat with our industry experts that have grown successfully in the industry with more than a combined 60 years of experience in the industry. 雷切尔布朗, Owner 和 CEO of 雷切尔布朗 Homes; Stephanie Dailey, General Contractor Steven Dailey Construction; Andi Dirkschneider Bliss, President 和 Chief Executive Rainmaker of Brookline Homes 和 Elenor Fleming, 埃莉诺培训的创始人 & 咨询顾问. 准备好你的问题.

星期五,9月. 15:庆祝工务局成员及理事会

建议的理事会活动: Hop on the "They understood the assignment" social media trend to praise an individual or group who have gone above 和 beyond. PWB Members can use the NAHB PWB周 post template to highlight their council's top activities from the past year.

工务局会员可下载“工务局周”品牌 PowerPoint幻灯片, highlight their council’s top activities during the past year 和 post on their social media platforms on Friday.

承认当地议会的创始人. 让你的成员分享,“PWB对你意味着什么??”

Network with NAHB Professional Women in Building members on 脸谱网 和 LinkedIn.

记得使用标签 #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周 和 # WeAllBuild.


  • 使用PWB周 营销和广告材料 to quickly alert your audience that you will celebrate women in the industry at all levels Sept. 11-15.
  • 使用这些向当地媒体AdvocacyPWB周 媒体资源.
  • 阅读和分享 新闻文章 促进和提升女性在这个行业的地位.
  • 了解更多关于她建造的房子 建设我 活动指南.
  • 在行业活动中选择一位或多位女性作为表彰对象.
  • 在社交媒体上使用标签来扩大你的PWB周活动#NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuildingWeek;# WeAllBuild. This will help you reach a wider audience through social platform searches.
  • Update your HBA’s website 和 social media profiles during PWB周 using our br和ed 图形.
  • 在线研讨会 featuring female leaders in the home building industry sharing strategies that have helped them become successful at their trade.
  • 分享 NAHBNow 在你的社交媒体上发布与女性相关的博文. 在搜索栏中,输入“women”或“pwb”来访问内容.
  • Create a housing forum to specifically examine 和 discuss the state of women in housing. Invite members of your HBA, members of your residential construction community 和 the media.
  • 熟悉行业统计数据 建筑业中的女性.
  • 帮助促进妇女就业 通过分享传单、海报、横幅和社交媒体广告来建设.


  • 计划一个虚拟的一天 女童子军 和 teach them building skills like painting, plastering or tile grouting.
  • 一起工作 NAHB学生分会 谁开发了可供教师用于建设的资源, 施工管理, 商店, 技术, 以及物理科学课程. 使用 这些资源 推销建筑业的职业.
  • Invite NAHB Student Chapter members or local high school students interested in construction to shadow a builder for a day. Take plenty of photos 和 share them on your social media platforms 和 include the hashtags #NAHB, #NAHBWomenInBuilding, #NAHBWomenInBuilding周# WeAllBuild.
  • 大得梅因的HBA发展成 活动手册 to promote the skilled trades to elementary school students 和 educators. Consider coordinating with an elementary school or local library to share it with young children.
  • 回顾NAHB的劳动力发展 教育培训模式和样本 关于如何教学生建造小房子的路线图.


10月是正式的职业建设月. Find resources to help increase awareness about opportunities available in the skilled trades at tamascandle.net/careersmonth.